Organically Grown and Wildcrafted since 1988
Joanne Alexander & Kathy Fisette
Our mission is to offer the finest full-potency extracts made from the freshest, highest-quality plants available.
Herbal medicine is as old as humankind and as widespread as the occurrence of communities. Herbal medicine is based on an intimate, practical knowledge of plants handed down for hundreds of generations while acknowledging the unique needs of individuals. While diet, exercise, and increased self-awareness form the foundation of health, fresh herbal therapy provides one of the key elements in the process of self-care.
We grow and wildcraft herbs in our bioregion and we source consciously wildcrafted plants from Hands On Organic, certified organic herbs from Pacific Botanicals, and local small farmers.
Each phase of the production, from growing and selecting herbs, to the lengthy process of herbal extraction we do ourselves.
Our Compounds are synergistic combinations of herbs for a wide variety of common health concerns.
Liquid herbal extracts or tinctures are considered one of the most effective ways to take herbal supplements.
Unlike pills and capsules, liquid herbal extracts are immediately absorbed and assimilated into the bloodstream. Extracts are created by soaking herbs in a liquid menstruum of organic grain alcohol, water, kosher vegetable glycerin, or any combination of these.
This herb and menstruum mixture is mixed and turned for a minimum of two to four weeks and then pressed and filtered to leave a pure liquid herbal extract.
The quality and source of herbs used are of the highest importance. We have concentrated our efforts on obtaining fresh herbs picked at the optimum time for maximum potency.
We extract all of our herbs with gluten free, certified organic pharmaceutical grade grain alcohol.
Supports Concentration
fresh Gotu Kola, fresh Ginkgo, fresh Bacopa, Eleuthero, fresh wild Oats, fresh Nettles, fresh Rosemary
A rejuvenating tonic for the brain that helps promote increased mental alertness and improved memory.
Gotu Kola Hydrocotyle asiatica fresh herb
This low growing vine originally from India, is one of the most important rejuvenative herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. It revitalizes the nerves and brain cells, improves mental vigor and increases intelligence, longevity and memory, thereby decreasing senility and the effects of aging. Gotu Kola is used to promote mental calm and clarity and assists in the practice of meditation.
Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba fresh leaf
The leaf of this ancient tree contains compounds which boost memory, increase brain vitality and improve circulation to the brain and other vital organs. It improves alertness, memory retention, mental clarity, sociability and mood. Ginkgo is also an antioxidants which helps slow the aging process.
Bacopa Bacopa monnieri fresh plant
Bacopa is the primary botanical used since the 6th century to support mental acuity. Modern research has shown that it exhibits an antioxidant effect directly on memory centers of the brain and can reduce the effects of stress on the brain. It is used to promote memory and focus, relieve anxiety and slow progression of Alzheimer's disease. It is also used for children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and effective for people recovering from head trauma injuries.
Eleuthero Eleuthroccocus senticosus dried root
The root of this shrub has been used for centuries in Russian folkloric medicine, and is still the most widely used herb in Russia today. It is an immune enhancing agent and anti-inflammatory, used in cardiovascular disease, to restore circulation, memory and cognition and as a remedy for stress, depression, fatigue and complete nervous breakdown. Eleuthero helps the body to cope with excessive demands and stress created by life-style and work.
Nettles Urtica dioica fresh plant
Nettles aids in blood coagulation and in the formation of red blood cells, thus providing more oxygen to all tissues of the body. It is rich in chlorophyll, iron and many minerals, as well as a rich source of choline, which acts as a precursor for acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter involved in memory and learning.
Rosemary Rosemarinus officinalis fresh plant
Rosemary is a circulatory and nervine stimulant which, in addition to its toning and calming effects on the digestive tract, is used where psychological tension is present. It is an ideal remedy when appetite loss and fatigue mingle with cerebral deficiency syndromes, like poor memory and absent-mindedness.
~Actions and Indications~
This is a rejuvenating tonic for the brain that promotes mental alertness and improved memory. It is beneficial for relieving mental fatigue, improving study, and memory retention, for retrieval and focus; and for promoting calm and clarity.
Take 40-60 drops in a little warm water three times per day or as needed.